Parish Priest

Reverend Father Cosmin Antonescu

ParinteleEvery journey of our life begins with a calling from God, and it has its fears and unknowns. At the same time, it is also full of the excitement of innovation and of the unknown through which God is calling us to identify ourselves and to discover this journey as a gift from Him.

On November 1st, 2014, through the grace and the will of God, I arrived together with my family in the midst of the Romanian Orthodox Community from Washington DC. The first reaction was very hard and difficult but, at the same time, was somewhat expected, having known the particular situation of the Romanian Orthodox Community, which I continue to discover and try to understand day by day. I pray that God will guide our steps towards a blessed future, according to His will.

Through the most recent blessing from His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel, I was called to serve and to attend to the needs of the Saint Andrew Mission in Potomac, Maryland. I thank the good God for the calling to be your pastor, and assure you of my total dedication and love.

I ask and invite each of you to join God’s call to support the church’s mission through your charity and love for your neighbor. I encourage you to be active and full of sacrificial love in your involvement.

Thank you for your hospitality. I pray that our good God will bless our thoughts and actions, so that we may do His will in all things. Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Amen!

Father Cosmin Antonescu
November 2014


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