“Come to the Church of Christ! To learn what innocence and purity are, what gentleness is and what love is. You will find out what your purpose in the world is, what the meaning of our existence is.
To your amazement, you will find that our life does not end in death, but in resurrection; that our existence is towards Christ and that the world is not just an empty moment in which nothingness rules. You will have hope, and hope will make you strong. You will have faith, and faith will save you. You will have love, and love will make you good.”

Father Gheorghe Calciu


“Believe me that, if I had not suffered so much, I wouldn’t have been able to love so much, I wouldn’t have been able to love so easily.”

Father Gheorghe Calciu in “The Memorial of Suffering”

From Fr. Calciu’s Testament


For my parishioners I leave this word: Love each other as Jesus loved us, so that one can see that we are the children of our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Be sacrificial! Make efforts for the building of the church! Pray and be merciful towards those in need!

To the architects who designed the Church without any material reward, may God multiply their grace, to reward them with the love with which they worked on the project for months to reach the most perfect form, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Please keep the Byzantine painting clean, without any interference of other influences. Only painting, color and light… no icon in relief, no icon touched by the modernism of today!

Thank you to the Parish Council for supporting and helping me. I carry with me in the grave a huge love for you, for your sacrifice, for my support in the face of difficulties, small misunderstandings and my own weaknesses.

If I forgot some, please forgive me… I write this from the hospital bed, I am weak and no doubt my mind cannot embrace today all those who loved me and whom I loved, but God knows my love for all, and forgives my helplessness.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


Fr. Gheorghe Calciu
November 12, 2006,
Bucharest Military Hospital

Parintele Calciu

7 Words – Story of a conqueror – Fr. Gheorghe Calciu-Dumitreasa


The St. Apostle Andrew Church recommends the extraordinary documentary movie “7 Words – Story of a Conqueror”.

“7 Words” is the story of a man who spent 21 years in prison.

Gheorghe Calciu, a medicine student, is jailed in 1948 for the “guilt” of loving his country and his faith. For 16 years he goes through border-line experiences: the “reeducation” in Piteşti, the “death vault” in Jilava, the “temptations” in Aiud.

After liberation, in a country frightened by the “Security” terror, he gives a speech in Bucharest, entitled “7 Words to the Youth”, an inducement to a “high flight”, liberating from the slavery of matter. He is arrested and sentenced to death, then expelled to America.

More than 30 people give testimonies about the life of Father Gheorghe Calciu, in an artistic documentary that does not lack zest, sensibility and humor.

To order the movie “7 Words” in DVD format, subtitled in English, visit the website: www.7wordsmovie.com


Fr. George Calciu: First Century Christian in the Twentieth Century
by Wesley J. Smith (First Things)

Anti-Communist Priest Gheorghe Calciu-Dumitreasa
by Patricia Sullivan (Washington Post)

Father Gheorghe Calciu-Dumitreasa
by Michael Bourdeaux (The Guardian)

Remembering Fr. George Calciu
by Frederica Mathewes-Green (Frederica.com)


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